
Photographer of the Month ~ Randy Richardson

Photo by Randy Richardson
Deptford Pink

Randy Richardson grew up in Canada but has lived longer in the USA than in his native land.  His career in engineering and manufacturing management and his travels with wife Susan have taken him to more than 40 countries.  Upon his retirement to Asheville a few years back he’s turned his curiosity back to the natural world and is never happier than when in the woods.   Photography began as a byproduct of his travels and his interest in documenting what he’s seen in the natural world.  Many of these photos stem from trying to document what he’s seen while stumbling along behind Scott Dean during Blue Ridge Naturalist classes.  One of these days he plans to take some photography classes and figure out how to do it right.

Three Toothed Cinquefoil
St. Johns Wort
False Hellebore
Painted Trullium
Angelica Seed Heads
Rose Pink
Grass of Parnassus Kidneyleaf
Eastern Columbine