The BRNN would like to announce the recent publication of Images of America: Pisgah Inn by our 2018 Blue Ridge Naturalist of the Year, Marci Spencer. As many of you know, she takes great pleasure in researching our mountains and forests, collecting stories about where the people have evolved from this land that we love. Her commitment to chronicling these histories captures accounts of the lives and events resulting in many of the places we enjoy today.
This collection focuses on the Pisgah Inn, using a more visual technique of chronological photos and captions to tell its tale. All one hundred plus pages include pictures with details of Pisgah National Forest, Buck Spring Lodge, the Blue Ridge Parkway and the human interactions with them. There were plans for a release party for the book at the Inn, but in this time of distancing, this is the best we can do right now. We wanted you to be aware of Marci’s most recent book by Arcadia Publishing, and that it is available from Malaprops in Asheville. (828-254-6734)
By Donna Duffy