BRNN JUNE High-Elevation Wildflower Hike
Better late than never, our May High-Elevation Wildflower Walk actually went forward on June 2nd, delayed a few weeks while we waited for the wildflowers to come to the party. Sadly the June 3rd group was cancelled due to the threat of thunderstorms. The wildflowers proved worth the wait, with a nice variety of spring and summer blooms on display. Some highlights included plentiful patches of Thyme-leaved Bluets, Canada Mayflower, Clintonia, Cucumber Root, Sweet White Violets, Wood Betony, and some remaining Large-Flowered, Painted, and Wakerobin Trilliums. The group was rewarded with some uncommon finds as well, particularly the native Lily-of-the-Valley, White Wood Sorrel, four and five-leaved trilliums, and two native dandelions. Lovely clusters of Cinnamon and Interrupted Ferns gave a preview of our coming ferns expedition. A few photos are shared here, courtesy of our own Steve Livingston.
Eighteen members joined the event, with special thanks reserved for our hike leaders Lou Dwarshuis, Marilyn Kolton, and Charlotte Caplan. We look forward to seeing you all at a future event.