BRNN Annual Meeting

September 6
Holmes Educational State Forest, Hendersonville
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
On Wednesday, September 6, we will hold our organization’s Annual Meeting and celebrate our 10th anniversary. We hope you will join us. BRNN was founded on September 4, 2013 at the NC Arboretum by six visionary participants in the Blue Ridge Naturalist certificate program: Diane Bauknight, Charlotte Caplan, Ken Czarnomski, Barbara Harrison, Linda Martinson and Tom Southard. The rest, as they say, is history.
We are returning to the Holmes Educational State Forest, where we will enjoy hikes guided by Dan Lazar and Charlotte Caplan, followed by a lunch catered by City Bakery. Our brief business meeting will include the announcement of our Blue Ridge Naturalist of the Year. The BRNN Board also will present a slate of nominees for positions that will be open in 2024. Additional nominations will be taken from the floor.
You must be a member of BRNN to attend the Annual Meeting but if you are not a current member you may join onsite and your dues will be good through 2024.