Call for Action

A message from Cathy Walsh, member, Tree Protection Task Force
BRNN Members,
You may remember that you voted to support this effort for the fiscal year 2020 last spring, but the City Council and the City Manager did not vote for it last year.
This year, after meetings with almost all City Council members and Asheville City staff, there is a much greater chance that this will be passed.
Julie Mayfield at the Blue Ridge Naturalist Network meeting last week spoke favorably of hiring an Urban Forester and developing a Master Urban Forest Plan. The Tree Protection Task Force has developed a blog and a campaign to generate even more support for this program this year.
I am asking the Blue Ridge Naturalist Network to again support this effort.
Attached is a one-page information sheet developed by the campaign committee summarizing the need and solution. The benefit of protecting the tree canopy to birds, pollinators and other native wildlife is self-evident, and I hope you agree and support this call for action.
Thank you,
Cathy Walsh
P.S. Asheville GreenWorks only plants native trees
Read the full request by downloading the One-Page below: