October 2020 Hike Recommendation

October was the month of our last planned hike for this year, and so here is one final recommended hike for the year. This month’s destination is Blue Ridge Pinnacle near Mount Mitchell.

While this is a single-track trail (so take care) it is also not very well known outside of informed locals so should not be too crowded, especially if you go on a weekday. It is a fairly easy climb of less than a mile from the parkway to a rocky summit with 360-degree views. Some details on the trail as well as photos are provided at the linked website. https://wncviewhikes.com/dsc-blue-ridge-pinnacle/
At a visit on October 12, 2019, we found that the fall colors were still not too much in evidence even at that elevation, but of course, every year is a bit different. Even so, our group had a great view of some ravens performing their aerial acrobatics. Botanically the trail can be interesting but in October the only things still in bloom are likely to be Heal All, Whitewood Aster, and Curtis’ Goldenrod. But the view from the top is well worth the effort. Enjoy!
Directions: The trail starts from the Old Mount Mitchell Toll Road a short distance from the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is best to park along the shoulder near (but not blocking) the gate for the Toll Road. Look for the gate 0.6 miles north of the entrance to Mount Mitchell State Park. The trail is billed as a loop but we did not see the alternate route down from the summit and returned the way we came up.