Wet Camp Gap – A High Mountain Meadow

Tuesday July 25 at 10 am Blue Ridge Parkway South

Our second Blue Ridge Naturalist Network outdoor event in July will return to a focus on wildflowers with a hike to Wet Camp Gap, a lovely high-elevation meadow that offers a variety of colorful flowers, ripe blueberries for the picking, and impressive mountain views. Botanically, highlights include Starry Campion, Bee Balm, Turtlehead, Doll’s Eyes, Rose Twisted Stalk, Umbrella Leaf, and Southern Bush Honeysuckle. This out and back hike begins at the Parkway’s Bear Pen Gap Overlook with a total length of 3 miles and an elevation change of about 350 feet in total. We’ll have lunch in the meadow before returning and on our drive back home will offer an optional stop at the Wolf Mountain Overlook to see the rarities there. For this event we recommend hikers bring hiking shoes, a walking stick, water, lunch, and rain gear if precipitation is forecast. As this site is roughly an hour from Asheville, a carpool meeting point will be arranged at the Asheville Outlets. If you would like to join us please send your name and the number of participants to outdoorprograms@brnnetwork.org. We should have plenty of capacity for all that want to join. You will get a response within a day or two confirming your registration. Then at about one week before the event you will receive a follow-up email with additional details. Hope to see you there!
