—Photo, Barbara Harrison
The Blue Ridge Naturalist Network is an outgrowth of the Blue Ridge Naturalist Program through the N C Arboretum. Although not affiliated with the BRN program, many of our members are students, instructors, or graduates of the program. Our interest is in the natural world and environmental issues, with a foundation based in science. Through meetings and outings, we hope to provide opportunities for learning and fellowship with other like-minded individuals and organizations.
Visit our Gallery for a glimpse into BRNN—all images courtesy of our vibrant and diverse membership. Take a look at the BRNN Bylaws .
Interested in becoming a member? Learn more about joining BRNN.
Blue Ridge Naturalist Board members
President — Mayo Taylor president@brnnetwork.org
Vice President — David Teafatiller vicepresident@brnnetwork.org
Secretary — Nancy Cole secretary@brnnetwork.org
Treasurer and Membership Director— Kris Stewart treasurer@brnnetwork.org
Website and Publicity Director — Diane Mooney publicrelations@brnnetwork.org
Indoor Program Director — Currently Vacant programs@brnnetwork.org
Outdoor Program Director— Paul Fredrickson outdoorprograms@brnnetwork.org
Home page photo credits:
- Nature Notes block—Marianne Mooney
Jay Maveety
- Gallery block—Ken Czarnomski
- Membership block—Lonnie Crotts