

Call to Action, events, Plants

Calling All Native GardenersFeatured

BRNN will again hold a plant sale on Mothers Day (Sunday, May 11) to raise funds for our organization and to offer an inexpensive option for people who want to add native plants to their home gardens. The sale is held at the home of Charlotte Caplan in Montford. 

Most of what we sell comes from the gardens of members who have well-established plants that can tolerate being divided in the fall or spring to be potted up for sale. Unfortunately, we will not receive as many plants as usual this year from our two most generous contributors, Charlotte Caplan and Randy Richardson. Charlotte’s yard was heavily impacted by Helene and Randy has left the area. We are appealing to our gardening members to help make up some of the shortfall by potting some plants this spring. If you bring plants to the sale, you can swap them for plants that others have grown.

Here are a few tips to get you started.

  • Ideally, plants should be in pots by April 1st to have time to grow and look good by May 11. They definitely need to be potted a month ahead.
  • Each plant should be labeled with the common name and, if possible, Latin name. Indicate whether it likes sun or shade. A good place to check names and growing conditions is the NC Extension Plant Toolbox. (
  • Quart containers that yogurt and cottage cheese come in make good pots for small plants if you punch holes in the bottom. 
  • Natives aren’t too fussy about their potting soil but straight garden dirt is usually too heavy unless it has a lot of organic matter. Mixing your own soil with an inexpensive potting mix is a good option.
  • Your newly potted plants will need to be kept moist and out of full sun.
  • If you plan to bring more than 10 plants it would be helpful to have them delivered to Charlotte’s home a day or two before the sale. We primarily sell native species from our region, with a few exceptions. 
  • If you would like more information contact Mayo Taylor at 828-582-1061 or
Past Events, Plants

The Natural History and Ecology of Fungi: From Parasitism to SymbiosisFeatured

Watch the talk here!

Todd Elliott, PhD, will speak about mushrooms in our region and their significance. He grew up in the Southern Appalachians, but has worked as a naturalist, biologist, and photographer on six continents. He is the author of Mushrooms of the Southeast and many other publications. Learn more about him here: and watch for more information in future emails.

Past Events, Plants

Native Plant Swap/Sale on Sunday, May 12

9 AM – 2 PM

Where: 39 Courtland Avenue

Parking: On the street, or at the North Star Academy corner of Montford & Courtland

On May 12, we’ll hold our annual Native Plant Swap at Charlotte Caplan’s house on Courtland Avenue, in the Montford neighborhood of Asheville. This is our main fundraiser for the year, so come out to have fun choosing plants for your garden and support BRNN.

Our emphasis is on plants that are native to the Southern Appalachians. We’ll have foamflower, wild ginger, bloodroot, green and gold, bee-balm, mountain mint, joe-pye weed, sweetshrub, pawpaw, and many others. But we’ll accept non-natives too, even houseplants and vegetable starts, as long as they are not considered invasive in NC – see list on . Just a note—vegetable starts can only be swapped for vegetable starts.

No pots? Just save plastic containers from the recycling bin. Medium-sized yoghurt, cottage cheese, and sour cream pots are ideal. Poke a few holes in the bottom and voila! You can cut up a pot up to make labels, too. 

No plants to contribute? No problem. We’ll have a large stock for sale at a modest $4 each.

QUESTIONS? Contact Charlotte at